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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 12: The N-Body Problem

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In the progress of part 2. Do you notice some calculation?

import arrow.optics.optics
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs

val ZERO_3D = Point3d(0, 0, 0)

data class Point3d(var x: Int, var y: Int, var z: Int) {
override fun toString() = "$x,$y,$z"

companion object
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typealias Velocity3d = Point3d

fun Point3d.sum() = abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z)

data class Moon(
val name: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
var location: Point3d,
val velocity: Velocity3d = ZERO_3D.copy()
) {
override fun toString() = "$location|$velocity"

companion object
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val Moon.potential: Int get() = location.sum()
val Moon.kinetic: Int get() = velocity.sum()
val Int get() = potential * kinetic

object Day12 {
private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day12.txt"
val fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME))

fun Int.gravity1d(other: Int): Int {
// println("gravity: $this, $other")
return when {
this > other -> -1
this < other -> 1
else -> 0

fun main() {
val moons = arrayOf(
Moon(location = Point3d(-16, -1, -12)),
Moon(location = Point3d(0, -4, -17)),
Moon(location = Point3d(-11, 11, 0)),
Moon(location = Point3d(2, 2, -6))
val testMoons = arrayOf(
Moon(location = Point3d(x = -1, y = 0, z = 2)),
Moon(location = Point3d(x = 2, y = -10, z = -7)),
Moon(location = Point3d(x = 4, y = -8, z = 8)),
Moon(location = Point3d(x = 3, y = 5, z = -1))
val testMoons2 = arrayOf(
Moon(location = Point3d(-8, -10, 0)),
Moon(location = Point3d(5, 5, 10)),
Moon(location = Point3d(2, -7, 3)),
Moon(location = Point3d(9, -8, -3))

val newMoons = moons.stepForever()
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private tailrec fun Array.step(times: Int = 1): Array {
return when (times) {
0 -> this
else -> {
indices.forEach { a ->
indices.filterNot { b -> a == b }
.forEach {
this[a].velocity.x += this[a].location.x.gravity1d(this[it].location.x)
this[a].velocity.y += this[a].location.y.gravity1d(this[it].location.y)
this[a].velocity.z += this[a].location.z.gravity1d(this[it].location.z)
indices.forEach {
this[it].location += this[it].velocity
println("\t${this.sumBy { }}")
step(times - 1)

fun String.toMD5(): ByteArray {
return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(toByteArray())

val base64 = Base64.getEncoder()

private tailrec fun Array.stepForever(
step: Int = 0,
seen: MutableSet = mutableSetOf()
): Pair>> {

val blob = base64.encodeToString(this.contentToString().toByteArray())
return when (blob) {
    in seen -> step to (seen.indexOf(blob) to this)
    else -> {
        indices.forEach { a ->
            indices.filterNot { b -> a == b }
                .forEach {
                    this[a].velocity.x += this[a].location.x.gravity1d(this[it].location.x)
                    this[a].velocity.y += this[a].location.y.gravity1d(this[it].location.y)
                    this[a].velocity.z += this[a].location.z.gravity1d(this[it].location.z)
        indices.forEach {
            this[it].location += this[it].velocity
        if (step % 1000000 == 0) {
            println("$step - ${this.contentToString()}")
        stepForever(step + 1, seen)
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private operator fun Point3d) = this.apply {
x += other.x
y += other.y
z += other.z

Code is fantastic. Usually, I use for LCM Problems. You will love it!