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Demola Malomo for Hackmamba

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Build a REST API with Rust and MongoDB - Rocket Version

REST API has become the De Facto for connecting and transferring data from one source to another. It offers a set of guidelines and architectural patterns for designing and developing web services.

This post will discuss building a user management application with Rust using the Rocket framework and MongoDB. At the end of this tutorial, we will learn how to structure a Rust application, build a REST API and persist our data using MongoDB.

Rocket is an HTTP web framework written in Rust with priorities on security, flexibility, and speed. Rocket ships with features like type-safety, reusability, logging, static file serving and much more that developers can leverage to build scalable applications with less code.

MongoDB is a document-based database management program used as an alternative to relational databases. MongoDB supports working with large sets of distributed data with options to store or retrieve information seamlessly.

The complete source code is available in this repository.


To fully grasp the concepts presented in this tutorial, experience with Rust is required. Experience with MongoDB isn’t a requirement, but it’s nice to have.

We will also be needing the following:

Let’s code

Getting Started

To get started, we need to navigate to the desired directory and run the command below in our terminal

    cargo new rocket-mongo-api && cd rocket-mongo-api

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This command creates a Rust project called rocket-mongo-api and navigates into the project directory.

Next, we proceed to install the required dependencies by modifying the [dependencies] section of the Cargo.toml file as shown below:

    //other code section goes here

    rocket = {version = "0.5.0-rc.2", features = ["json"]}
    serde = "1.0.136"
    dotenv = "0.15.0"

    version = "2.2.0"
    default-features = false
    features = ["sync"] 

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rocket = {version = "0.5.0-rc.2", features = ["json"]} is a Rust-based framework for building web applications. It also specifies the required version and the feature type(json).

serde = "1.0.136" is a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures. E.g. convert Rust structs to JSON.

dotenv = "0.15.0" is a library for managing environment variables.

[dependencies.mongodb] is a driver for connecting to MongoDB. It also specifies the required version and the feature type(Sync API).

We need to run the command below to install the dependencies:

    cargo build

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Application Entry Point

With the project dependencies installed, modify the file in the src folder to the following:

    extern crate rocket;
    use rocket::{get, http::Status, serde::json::Json};

    fn hello() -> Result<Json<String>, Status> {
        Ok(Json(String::from("Hello from rust and mongoDB")))

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        rocket::build().mount("/", routes![hello])

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Imports the required dependencies
  • Creates a hello handler that uses the Rust macro to specify the HTTP method, the route path /, and returns a JSON of Hello from rust and mongoDB.
  • Uses the #launch macro to run the main function asynchronously and starts the server. The main function creates a new server using the build function and mounts the hello handler to a route.

Next, we can test our application by running the command below in our terminal.

    cargo run

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Rocket runs the development server on or localhost:8000.

Testing the app

Module system in Rust

A module in Rust is a mechanism for splitting code into reusable components and managing visibility between them. Modules help us maintain a good project structure for our project.

To do this, we need to navigate to the src folder and create api, models, and repository folder with the corresponding file to manage visibility.

Updated project folder structure

api is for modularizing API handlers.

models is for modularizing data logics.

repository is for modularizing database logics.

Adding reference to the Modules
To use the code in the modules, we need to declare them as a module and import them into the file.

    //add the modules
    mod api; 
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;
    use rocket::{get, http::Status, serde::json::Json};

    // the remaining part of our code goes here

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Setting up MongoDB

With that done, we need to log in or sign up into our MongoDB account. Click the project dropdown menu and click on the New Project button.

New Project

Enter the rust-api as the project name, click Next, and click Create Project..

enter project name
Create Project

Click on Build a Database

Select Shared as the type of database.

Shared highlighted in red

Click on Create to setup a cluster. This might take sometime to setup.

Creating a cluster

Next, we need to create a user to access the database externally by inputting the Username, Password and then clicking on Create User. We also need to add our IP address to safely connect to the database by clicking on the Add My Current IP Address button. Then click on Finish and Close to save changes.

Create user
Add IP

On saving the changes, we should see a Database Deployments screen, as shown below:

Database Screen

Connecting our application to MongoDB

With the configuration done, we need to connect our application with the database created. To do this, click on the Connect button

Connect to database

Click on Connect your application, change the Driver to Rust and the Version as shown below. Then click on the copy icon to copy the connection string.

connect application
Copy connection string

Setup Environment Variable
Next, we must modify the copied connection string with the user's password we created earlier and change the database name. To do this, first, we need to create a .env file in the root directory, and in this file, add the snippet copied:


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Sample of a properly filled connection string below:


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Creating REST APIs

With the setup done, we need to create a model to represent our application data. To do this, we need to navigate to the models folder, and in this folder, create a file and add the snippet below:

    use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;
    use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct User {
        #[serde(rename = "_id", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
        pub id: Option<ObjectId>,
        pub name: String,
        pub location: String,
        pub title: String,

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Imports the required dependencies
  • Uses the derive macro to generate implementation support for formatting the output, serializing, and deserializing the data structure.
  • Creates a User struct with required properties. We also added field attributes to the id property to rename and ignore the field if it is empty.

PS: The pub modifier makes the struct and its property public and can be accessed from other files/modules.

Next, we must register the file as part of the models module. To do this, open the in the models folder and add the snippet below:

    pub mod user_model;

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Create a User Endpoint
With the model fully set up and made available to be consumed, we can now create our database logic to create a user. To do this, First, we need to navigate to the repository folder, and in this folder, create a file and add the snippet below:

    use std::env;
    extern crate dotenv;
    use dotenv::dotenv;

    use mongodb::{
        results::{ InsertOneResult},
        sync::{Client, Collection},
    use crate::models::user_model::User;

    pub struct MongoRepo {
        col: Collection<User>,

    impl MongoRepo {
        pub fn init() -> Self {
            let uri = match env::var("MONGOURI") {
                Ok(v) => v.to_string(),
                Err(_) => format!("Error loading env variable"),
            let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri).unwrap();
            let db = client.database("rustDB");
            let col: Collection<User> = db.collection("User");
            MongoRepo { col }

        pub fn create_user(&self, new_user: User) -> Result<InsertOneResult, Error> {
            let new_doc = User {
                id: None,
                location: new_user.location,
                title: new_user.title,
            let user = self
                .insert_one(new_doc, None)
                .expect("Error creating user");

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Imports the required dependencies
  • Creates a MongoRepo struct with a col field to access MongoDB collection
  • Creates an implementation block that adds methods to the MongoRepo struct
  • Adds an init method to the implementation block to load the environment variable, creates a connection to the database, and returns an instance of the MongoRepo struct
  • Adds a create_user method that takes in a self and new_user as parameters and returns the created user or an error. Inside the method, we created a new document using the User struct. Then we use the self referencing the MongoRepo struct to access the insert_one function from the collection to create a new user and handle errors. Finally, we returned the created user information.

PS: The None specified when creating a new document tells MongoDB to automatically generate the user’s id.

Next, we must register the file as part of the repository module. To do this, open the in the repository folder and add the snippet below:

    pub mod mongodb_repos;

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Secondly, we need to create a handler that uses the create_user method from the repository to create a user. To do this, we need to navigate to the api folder, and in this folder, create a file and add the snippet below:

    use crate::{models::user_model::User, repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo};
    use mongodb::results::InsertOneResult;
    use rocket::{http::Status, serde::json::Json, State};

    #[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn create_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<InsertOneResult>, Status> {
        let data = User {
            id: None,
            location: new_user.location.to_owned(),
            title: new_user.title.to_owned(),
        let user_detail = db.create_user(data);
        match user_detail {
            Ok(user) => Ok(Json(user)),
            Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Imports the required dependencies
  • Uses the routing macro to specify HTTP method, route, and indicates that the handler expects body data
  • Creates a create_user handler that takes in the db, a type to the MongoRepo and a new_user as parameters. Inside the handler, we created a data variable for creating a user, inserted it into the database using the db.create_user method, and returned the correct response if the insert was successful or error if any.

PS: The &State and Json struct used in defining the parameter is for managing application state shared across routes and extracting JSON data from request payloads, respectively.

Finally, we need to modify our application entry point to include the create_user handler. To do this, we need to navigate to the file and modify it as shown below:

    mod api;
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;

    //add imports below
    use api::user_api::create_user;
    use repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo;

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        let db = MongoRepo::init();
        rocket::build().manage(db).mount("/", routes![create_user])

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Imports the required dependencies
  • Creates a db variable to establish a connection to MongoDB by calling the init() method and adds it to the manage function to make the database state available across the application scope
  • Uses the app_data and service function to add the application data and the handler to the App instance

Get a User Endpoint
To get the details of a user, we must first modify the file by adding a get_user method to the implementation block.

    use std::env;
    extern crate dotenv;
    use dotenv::dotenv;

    use mongodb::{
        bson::{extjson::de::Error, oid::ObjectId, doc}, //modify here
        results::{ InsertOneResult},
        sync::{Client, Collection},
    use crate::models::user_model::User;

    pub struct MongoRepo {
        col: Collection<User>,

    impl MongoRepo {
        pub fn init() -> Self {
            //init code goes here

        pub fn create_user(&self, new_user: User) -> Result<InsertOneResult, Error> {
            //create_user code goes here

        pub fn get_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<User, Error> {
            let obj_id = ObjectId::parse_str(id).unwrap();
            let filter = doc! {"_id": obj_id};
            let user_detail = self
                .find_one(filter, None)
                .expect("Error getting user's detail");

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Modifies the dependencies to include oid::ObjectId and doc
  • Adds a get_user method that takes in a self and id as parameters and returns the user detail or an error. Inside the method, we converted the id to an ObjectId and used it as a filter to get matching document. Then we use the self referencing the MongoRepo struct to access the find_one function from the collection to get the details of the user and handle errors. Finally, we returned the created user information.

Secondly, we need to modify by creating a handler that uses the get_user method from the repository to get a user.

    use crate::{models::user_model::User, repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo};
    use mongodb::results::InsertOneResult;
    use rocket::{http::Status, serde::json::Json, State};

    #[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn create_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<InsertOneResult>, Status> {
        //create_user code goes here

    pub fn get_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        let id = path;
        if id.is_empty() {
            return Err(Status::BadRequest);
        let user_detail = db.get_user(&id);
        match user_detail {
            Ok(user) => Ok(Json(user)),
            Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Uses the routing macro to specify HTTP method, corresponding route and route parameter
  • Creates a get_user handler that takes in the db, a type to the MongoRepo and a path for accessing route path as parameters. Inside the handler, we created an id variable to get the user’s id, get the user’s details from the database using the db.get_user method. We returned the correct response if the request was successful or error if any.

Finally, we need to modify our application entry point( include the get_user handler by importing the handler and adding a new service for it.

    mod api;
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;

    use api::user_api::{create_user, get_user}; //import the handler here
    use repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo;

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        let db = MongoRepo::init();
            .mount("/", routes![create_user])
            .mount("/", routes![get_user])

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Edit a User Endpoint
To edit a user, we must first modify the file by adding an edit_user method to the implementation block.

    use std::env;
    extern crate dotenv;
    use dotenv::dotenv;

    use mongodb::{
        bson::{extjson::de::Error, oid::ObjectId, doc}, 
        results::{ InsertOneResult, UpdateResult}, //modify here
        sync::{Client, Collection},
    use crate::models::user_model::User;

    pub struct MongoRepo {
        col: Collection<User>,

    impl MongoRepo {
        pub fn init() -> Self {
            //init code goes here

        pub fn create_user(&self, new_user: User) -> Result<InsertOneResult, Error> {
            //create_user code goes here

        pub fn get_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<User, Error> {
            //get_user code goes here

        pub fn update_user(&self, id: &String, new_user: User) -> Result<UpdateResult, Error> {
            let obj_id = ObjectId::parse_str(id).unwrap();
            let filter = doc! {"_id": obj_id};
            let new_doc = doc! {
                        "location": new_user.location,
                        "title": new_user.title
            let updated_doc = self
                .update_one(filter, new_doc, None)
                .expect("Error updating user");

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Modifies the dependencies to include UpdateResult
  • Adds an update_user method that takes in a self, id, and new_user parameters and returns the updated user detail or an error. Inside the method, we converted the id to an ObjectId, created a filter variable to get the matching document we wanted to update and used the doc macro to update the document fields. Then we use the self referencing the MongoRepo struct to access the update_one function from the collection to update the user matching the filter specified and handle errors. Finally, we returned the updated user information.

Secondly, we need to modify by creating a handler that uses the update_user method from the repository to update a user.

    use crate::{models::user_model::User, repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo};
    use mongodb::{bson::oid::ObjectId, results::InsertOneResult}; //modify here
    use rocket::{http::Status, serde::json::Json, State};

    #[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn create_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<InsertOneResult>, Status> {
        //create_user code goes here

    pub fn get_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        //get_user code goes here

    #[put("/user/<path>", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn update_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        path: String,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        let id = path;
        if id.is_empty() {
            return Err(Status::BadRequest);
        let data = User {
            id: Some(ObjectId::parse_str(&id).unwrap()),
            location: new_user.location.to_owned(),
            title: new_user.title.to_owned(),
        let update_result = db.update_user(&id, data);
        match update_result {
            Ok(update) => {
                if update.matched_count == 1 {
                    let updated_user_info = db.get_user(&id);
                    return match updated_user_info {
                        Ok(user) => Ok(Json(user)),
                        Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),
                } else {
                    return Err(Status::NotFound);
            Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Modifies the dependencies to include ObjectId
  • Uses the routing macro to specify HTTP method, corresponding route, route parameter, and body data
  • Creates an update_user handler that takes in the db, a type to the MongoRepo, path, and new_user as parameters. Inside the handler, we created an id variable to get the user’s id, update the user’s details from the database using the db.update_user method by passing in the updated user’s information. Finally, we checked if the update was successful and returned the updated user or error if any.

Finally, we need to modify our application entry point( include the update_user handler by importing the handler and adding a new service for it.

    mod api;
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;

    use api::user_api::{create_user, get_user, update_user}; //import the handler here
    use repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo;

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        let db = MongoRepo::init();
            .mount("/", routes![create_user])
            .mount("/", routes![get_user])
            .mount("/", routes![update_user])

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Delete a User Endpoint
To delete a user, we must first modify the file by adding an delete_user method to the implementation block.

    use std::env;
    extern crate dotenv;
    use dotenv::dotenv;

    use mongodb::{
        bson::{extjson::de::Error, oid::ObjectId, doc}, 
        results::{ InsertOneResult, UpdateResult, DeleteResult}, //modify here
        sync::{Client, Collection},
    use crate::models::user_model::User;

    pub struct MongoRepo {
        col: Collection<User>,

    impl MongoRepo {
        pub fn init() -> Self {
            //init code goes here

        pub fn create_user(&self, new_user: User) -> Result<InsertOneResult, Error> {
            //create_user code goes here

        pub fn get_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<User, Error> {
            //get_user code goes here

        pub fn update_user(&self, id: &String, new_user: User) -> Result<UpdateResult, Error> {
            //update_user code goes here

        pub fn delete_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<DeleteResult, Error> {
            let obj_id = ObjectId::parse_str(id).unwrap();
            let filter = doc! {"_id": obj_id};
            let user_detail = self
                .delete_one(filter, None)
                .expect("Error deleting user");

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Modifies the dependencies to include DeleteResult
  • Adds a delete_user method that takes in a self and id as parameters and returns the deleted user detail or an error. Inside the method, we converted the id to an ObjectId and created a filter variable to get the matching document we wanted to delete. Then we use the self referencing the MongoRepo struct to access the delete_one function from the collection to delete the user matching the filter specified and handle errors. Finally, we returned the deleted user information.

Secondly, we need to modify by creating a handler that uses the delete_user method from the repository to delete a user.

    use crate::{models::user_model::User, repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo};
    use mongodb::{bson::oid::ObjectId, results::InsertOneResult}; //modify here
    use rocket::{http::Status, serde::json::Json, State};

    #[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn create_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<InsertOneResult>, Status> {
        //create_user code goes here

    pub fn get_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        //get_user code goes here

    #[put("/user/<path>", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn update_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        path: String,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        //update_user code goes here

    pub fn delete_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<&str>, Status> {
        let id = path;
        if id.is_empty() {
            return Err(Status::BadRequest);
        let result = db.delete_user(&id);
        match result {
            Ok(res) => {
                if res.deleted_count == 1 {
                    return Ok(Json("User successfully deleted!"));
                } else {
                    return Err(Status::NotFound);
            Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Uses the routing macro to specify HTTP method, corresponding route and route parameter
  • Creates a delete_user handler that takes in the db, a type to the MongoRepo and path as parameters. Inside the handler, we created an id variable to get the user’s id and delete the user from the database using the db.delete_user method by passing in the id. Finally, we returned the appropriate response or error if any.

Finally, we need to modify our application entry point( include the delete_user handler by importing the handler and adding a new service for it.

    mod api;
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;

    use api::user_api::{create_user, get_user, update_user, delete_user}; //import the handler here
    use repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo;

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        let db = MongoRepo::init();
            .mount("/", routes![create_user])
            .mount("/", routes![get_user])
            .mount("/", routes![update_user])
            .mount("/", routes![delete_user])

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Get all Users Endpoint
To get the list of users, we must first modify the file by adding a get_all_users method to the implementation block.

    use std::env;
    extern crate dotenv;
    use dotenv::dotenv;

    use mongodb::{
        bson::{extjson::de::Error, oid::ObjectId, doc}, 
        results::{ InsertOneResult, UpdateResult, DeleteResult},
        sync::{Client, Collection},
    use crate::models::user_model::User;

    pub struct MongoRepo {
        col: Collection<User>,

    impl MongoRepo {
        pub fn init() -> Self {
            //init code goes here

        pub fn create_user(&self, new_user: User) -> Result<InsertOneResult, Error> {
            //create_user code goes here

        pub fn get_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<User, Error> {
            //get_user code goes here

        pub fn update_user(&self, id: &String, new_user: User) -> Result<UpdateResult, Error> {
            //update_user code goes here

        pub fn delete_user(&self, id: &String) -> Result<DeleteResult, Error> {
            //delete_user code goes here

        pub fn get_all_users(&self) -> Result<Vec<User>, Error> {
            let cursors = self
                .find(None, None)
                .expect("Error getting list of users");
            let users =|doc| doc.unwrap()).collect();

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The snippet above adds a get_all_users method that takes in a self as a parameter and returns the list of users or an error. Inside the method, we use the self referencing the MongoRepo struct to access the find function from the collection without any filter so that it can match all the documents inside the database and handle errors. Finally, we returned the list of users.

Secondly, we need to modify by creating a handler that uses the get_all_users method from the repository to get list of users.

    use crate::{models::user_model::User, repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo};
    use mongodb::{bson::oid::ObjectId, results::InsertOneResult};
    use rocket::{http::Status, serde::json::Json, State};

    #[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn create_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<InsertOneResult>, Status> {
        //create_user code goes here

    pub fn get_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        //get_user code goes here

    #[put("/user/<path>", data = "<new_user>")]
    pub fn update_user(
        db: &State<MongoRepo>,
        path: String,
        new_user: Json<User>,
    ) -> Result<Json<User>, Status> {
        //update_user code goes here

    pub fn delete_user(db: &State<MongoRepo>, path: String) -> Result<Json<&str>, Status> {
        //delete_user code goes here

    pub fn get_all_users(db: &State<MongoRepo>) -> Result<Json<Vec<User>>, Status> {
        let users = db.get_all_users();
        match users {
            Ok(users) => Ok(Json(users)),
            Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError),

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The snippet above does the following:

  • Uses the routing macro to specify HTTP method and corresponding route
  • Creates a get_all_users handler that uses the db.delete_user method to get the list of users. Then, we returned the list of users or error if any.

Finally, we need to modify our application entry point( include the get_all_users handler by importing the handler and adding a new service for it.

    mod api;
    mod models;
    mod repository;

    extern crate rocket;

    use api::user_api::{create_user, get_user, update_user, delete_user, get_all_users}; //import the handler here
    use repository::mongodb_repo::MongoRepo;

    fn rocket() -> _ {
        let db = MongoRepo::init();
            .mount("/", routes![create_user])
            .mount("/", routes![get_user])
            .mount("/", routes![update_user])
            .mount("/", routes![delete_user])
            .mount("/", routes![get_all_users])

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With that done, we can test our application by running the command below in our terminal.

    cargo run

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Create a user endpoint

Get a user endpoint

Edit a user endpoint

Delete a user endpoint

Get list of users endpoint

Database with users document


This post discussed how to modularize a Rust application, build a REST API, and persist our data using MongoDB.

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Hands-on debugging session: instrument, monitor, and fix

Join Lazar for a hands-on session where you’ll build it, break it, debug it, and fix it. You’ll set up Sentry, track errors, use Session Replay and Tracing, and leverage some good ol’ AI to find and fix issues fast.

RSVP here →

Top comments (6)

higoraln profile image
Higor Allan

this is amazing thx bro <3

zane8n profile image

Loved it! Thanks

prajnastra profile image
Abhijit Paul

Thanks for posting this.

malomz profile image
Demola Malomo

Glad you enjoyed it!

verygreenboi profile image
Thompson Edolo

This was very helpful, thank you. Waiting to see you do one on Fairings.

iamvalenciia profile image
Juan Pablo Valencia

Great post, really professional

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