
Cover image for How to Integrate RazorPay in Next.js 14/15 with Easy Steps.
Kush Chaudhary
Kush Chaudhary

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How to Integrate RazorPay in Next.js 14/15 with Easy Steps.

Alright, let’s make this super simple! If you’re working on a Next.js project and need to integrate Razorpay for payments, just follow these steps, copy-paste the code, and you’re done. No fluff, just what you need

Step 1: Install Required Packages

First, install the Razorpay Node.js SDK and other necessary packages. In your project directory, run:

npm install razorpay @types/razorpay axios
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Step 2: Get API Keys from Razorpay

Get api keys from here
Image description

Store your Razorpay keys in a .env file at the root of your project

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Step 4: Create an Order API Route

Next.js has a built-in API route system, making it easy to handle backend logic. Let’s create an API route for Razorpay to generate orders.

Create a new API route /api/createOrder/route.ts

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import Razorpay from "razorpay";

const key_id = process.env.RAZORPAY_KEY_ID as string;
const key_secret = process.env.RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET as string;

if (!key_id || !key_secret) {
    throw new Error("Razorpay keys are missing");

const razorpay = new Razorpay({

export type OrderBody = {
    amount: number;
    currency: string;

export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
    try {

        const { amount, currency }: OrderBody = await request.json();
        if (!amount) {
            return NextResponse.json({ message: `Amount is required` }, { status: 400 })

        const options = {
            currency: currency || "INR",
            receipt: `receipt#${}`,

        const order = await razorpay.orders.create(options);
        console.log("Order Created Successfully");

        return NextResponse.json({ orderId: }, { status: 200 })

    } catch (error) {
        return NextResponse.json({ message: "Server Error", error }, { status: 500 })
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Step 5: Create a function for generating OrderId

import axios from "axios";

export async function createOrderId(amount: number, currency: string) {
    try {
        const response = await"/api/createOrder", {
            amount: amount * 100, // Convert to paise
            currency: "INR",

        console.log("Order Response:",;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error("Failed to create order");
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Step 6: Create a Checkout Button

Create a reusable component /components/BuyButton.tsx for the Razorpay checkout button. Copy the below code:

"use client";

import axios from "axios";
import React from "react";
import Script from "next/script";
import { createOrderId } from "@/utils/createOrderId";

export default function PurchaseButton() {
  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(false);

  const handlePayment = async () => {
    const price = 100; // Replace with dynamic price
    try {
      const orderId: string = await createOrderId(price, "INR");
      const options = {
        key: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_RAZORPAY_KEY_ID,
        amount: price * 100,
        currency: "INR",
        name: "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME", // Replace with dynamic company name
        description: "Payment for your order", // Replace with dynamic order description
        order_id: orderId,
        handler: async function (response: any) {
          try {
            const paymentResponse = await"/api/verifyOrder", {
              razorpay_order_id: orderId,
              razorpay_payment_id: response.razorpay_payment_id,
              razorpay_signature: response.razorpay_signature,

            alert("Payment Successful!");
          } catch (error) {
            alert("Payment verification failed. Please contact support.");
        prefill: {
          name: "YOUR_NAME", // Replace with dynamic user data
          email: "YOUR_EMAIL", // Replace with dynamic user data
        theme: {
          color: "#3399cc",

      const razorpay = new (window as any).Razorpay(options);
      razorpay.on("payment.failed", function (response: any) {
        alert("Payment failed");
    } catch (error) {
      alert("Payment failed. Please try again.");
    } finally {

  return (
        className="bg-emerald-700 text-white font-semibold px-4 py-2 rounded-xl hover:bg-emerald-600 transition-all duration-300 hover:shadow-lg hover:scale-105"
        {isLoading ? "Processing..." : "Buy Now"}

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Step 8: Verify Payment

For added security, you can verify the payment signature server-side. Create a new API route /api/verifyOrder/route.ts

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import crypto from "crypto";

export interface VerifyBody {
    razorpay_order_id: string;
    razorpay_payment_id: string;
    razorpay_signature: string

export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
    try {
        const { razorpay_order_id, razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_signature }: VerifyBody = await request.json();

        if (!razorpay_order_id || !razorpay_payment_id || !razorpay_signature) {
            return NextResponse.json({ error: "Missing required parameters", success: false }, { status: 400 })

        const secret = process.env.RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET as string
        if (!secret) { return NextResponse.json({ error: "Razorpay secret not found" }, { status: 400 }) }

        const HMAC = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret)
        const generatedSignature = HMAC.digest("hex")

        if (generatedSignature === razorpay_signature) {
            return NextResponse.json({ message: "Payment verified successfully", success: true })
        } else {
            return NextResponse.json({ error: "Invalid signature", success: false }, { status: 400 })
    } catch (error) {
        return NextResponse.json({ error: "An error occurred", success: false }, { status: 500 })
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Here is how you might create a products page and add checkout flow:
checkout this Github repository where I have created complete payment flow on a products page: github/hanuchaudhary/RazorpayIntegration


That’s it! You’ve:

  • Installed the required dependencies.
  • Added Razorpay keys to .env.
  • Created two POST API routes: /api/createOrder/route.ts and /api/verifyOrder/route.ts.
  • Built a reusable button component.
  • Added the Razorpay script. For extra features like webhooks or subscriptions, check out the Razorpay Documentation.


Integrating Razorpay with Next.js 14/15 is straightforward and efficient. By following these steps, you can securely accept payments in your application. For advanced features like subscriptions or webhooks, refer to the Razorpay Documentation.

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