Properatiory Software - Def
Properatiory Software is nothing but software is available for selected users in binary form only
- no access to the source code any support is given by only the Properatior
- there are so many limitatation to end users
- you cannot share the software
- you cannot change the software
Open Source Software - Def
Open Source Software is nothing but software is available free to use but not only limited to use.
- you have access to the source code
- you can you can change customize the source code according to your needs
- distribute binaries source code
Benefits of Open Source Software
- low errors
- able to get different thought process and implement
- faster development
- stable products
- open to get new changes from community
Open Source Software giving rights to the consumers aka End Users
(GPL License giving 4 Rights)
- Where ever we can use
- Whatever you can change
- Sell or Giveaway
- Can Share the source code
Open Source Software - Emphasiszes Software freedom
Software is mixture of knownledge and science it should be open and owned by all of the human being ownership is not limited to a person / organization
Open Source Software - Oppurtunities of monitization
- you can give service for the software
- you can get money from installation service
- you can give online/offline support and can be charge for it
- you can charge for the customization you provide from open source software
History of GNU/Linux
Rise of GNU
Richard M Stallman (RMS) MIT AI Lab (1980s)
- Started from the Printer problem unable to manage queue
- RMS started to fight for software freedom
GNU = GNU Not Linux
Ensures 4 freedoms
- ** Use ** for any purpose
- ** Study ** and adapt(modify)
- ** Distribute ** free
- Distribute ** the modifed source**
GNU Project Starts With
- Compilers
- Editors
- Languages
- Network Tools
- Servers
- Databases
- Device Drivers
- Desktop Utilities
- Multimedia Apps
- Games
- Office Applications and more
Andruw S Thanebaum writes a book for minix book operating systems design and implementation which becomes inspration for Linus Torwards to create the Kernal named Linux
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