DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (Feb 4th edition)

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Nehal Hasnayeen • Edited

Goodwork, is a project management and collaboration tool for all kind of teams. It is open source and MIT licensed and self-hosted.

Built with Laravel, VueJS, Tailwindcss and other stuff.

You can help by coding,or testing the app or general discussion on product features.

Also need help in creating a landing page for the project.

iluminar / goodwork

Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by Laravel & VueJS

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Self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp.

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About Goodwork

Goodwork is a simple project management and collaboration tool for all kind of teams. It is open source and MIT licensed. Goodwork is a self-hosted software so no dependency on anyone and only you keep your data.

Goodwork brings you all the components required for your project to run smoothly in one place so that you have single source of truth. Instead of using a collection of tools or service which makes everything messy and hard to find important details from stuff scattered all over the place, Goodwork organizes everything in a central place where everyone in the company knows what to do, knows where things stand and find stuff without having to ask around all the time.

Available in 23 language