DEV Community

Discussion on: Image Uploads in Wagtail Forms

hazho profile image
Hazho Human

based on your codes, while you try to download as xlsx, there will be an error raising up:
".../", line 260, in get_context_data
data_rows = context['data_rows']
KeyError: 'data_rows

lb profile image
LB (Ben Johnston)

Just tested the changes I suggested below, they fix the problem, post is updated and git repo branch is updated. Hopefully that helps :)

lb profile image
LB (Ben Johnston)

Thanks Hazho. I will give that a go and try to work out what's wrong.

lb profile image
LB (Ben Johnston)

what happens if you replace the get_context_data on CustomSubmissionsListView with the following instead?

Does this fix it, have not tried in running code yet but I think this should do the trick. let me know & I can update the post.

class CustomSubmissionsListView(SubmissionsListView):

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        # moved the field_types & data_rows setup to inside the if branch below

        if not self.is_export:
            # generate a list of field types, the first being the injected 'submission date'
            field_types = ['submission_date'] + [field.field_type for field in self.form_page.get_form_fields()]
            data_rows = context['data_rows']

            ImageModel = get_image_model()

            for data_row in data_rows:

                fields = data_row['fields']

                for idx, (value, field_type) in enumerate(zip(fields, field_types)):
                    if field_type == 'image' and value:
                        image = ImageModel.objects.get(pk=value)
                        rendition = image.get_rendition('fill-100x75|jpegquality-40')
                        preview_url = rendition.url
                        url = reverse('wagtailimages:edit', args=(,))
                        # build up a link to the image, using the image title & id
                        fields[idx] = format_html(
                            "<a href='{}'><img alt='Uploaded image - {}' src='{}' />{} ({})</a>",

        return context
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