DEV Community

How do you structure your app?

Harry Dennen on April 23, 2018

We have a fairly large app currently organized at a high level into view, logic, model, communication, and utils. All files are aliased and we ha...
thermatix profile image
Martin Becker • Edited

I might separate it like this:

| root files
| - bin
| - lib
  | - engine
    | - sound
    | - graphics
    | - gui
  | - entity
     | - manager
     | - components
| - app/data/content
  | - entities
    | - mobs
    | - npcs
    | - items
  | - guis
    | - menu
    | - inventory
  | - models
  | - gfx
  | - shaders

hdennen profile image
Harry Dennen

I've realized the most important part of this exercise is to make sure the structure guides a team to make the same decisions on where to put things. Whether they're good or bad isn't really relevant as long as everyone reaches the same conclusions when looking at the structure.