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Discussion on: Unhealthy Code: Null Checks Everywhere!

hegi profile image

"What's wrong with that? Well, it allows your code (in this case, the Product class) to get into an inconsistent state."

So your real problem is that you are not following the basic rules of OOP. Your Product class should be responsible for not letting you create one with null ID in the first place.

And the saddest part is that neither of your examples above highlight the root cause / solution for the issue. I appreciate the gesture but unless this is not addressed, you are just treating a sympthom and being part of a much larger problem.

(The solution is correct, but it is applied at the wrong place)

olvnikon profile image

What if a property or a property of a property is still optional? E.g., user.address.zipCode. There is a proposal to avoid intermediate checks. user.address?.zipCode. However, zipCode is still nullable. Having null/undefined in any place is code smell and potential hole in the application. That's why it is always better to have a not null result. The problem is persistent not only in OOP but in FP as well, however, FP has a good way to handle it. Instead of working with null it provides you None.

jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

I would disagree. Following the "basic rules of OOP" is not in-and-of-itself an end. It is a means to an end, just like any programming paradigm. Who cares if you follow OOP?

What's the end? To have software that is easy to understand and therefore can be maintained easily, deliver business value, etc.

Also, there's nothing in OOP that says a class' property cannot be null.

The article was about treating issues around nulls and the fact that TypeScript allows for null variables. That applies whether you are doing OOP or not, using classes or not, etc.

Thanks for the comments! 😊

hegi profile image

Thank you for proving my point. Much appreciated

alexdevpro profile image

I agree with Hegi. Just add a null check once in the class constructor and you won’t need to do a check in all parts of the code that work with an instance of this class.

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jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

I disagree with the notion that "just adding a null check in the constructor" is always the best solution.

The fact is that any solution you choose is going to have trade-offs.

I've written about using constructor validation here and I agree that there are some contexts when using this technique is the best choice.

That being said, there are trade-offs to using constructor validation:

Mainly: You have to throw an exception to notify the caller that they did something wrong.

The caller (and developer using your class) has to have implicit knowledge up-front that your class will throw when used incorrectly. That can lead to developers potentially using your class wrong.

This also depends on whether your code is a publically accessible library or custom/internal business logic for a company.

With a public library, you aren't guaranteed to be able to educate users of the fact that your class will throw (other than in documentation, them finding out "the hard way", etc.)

What if that person wants to use your library in a performance-sensitive context? Throwing exceptions has a huge performance impact... so they may not opt for your library now.

The same applies to custom business code: does it need to be used in a performance-sensitive context? If so, throwing exceptions is the first offender to that most devs will look at removing.

Now, looking at the technique in this article, it allows the caller to not have to know about nulls and having to check them. Sure, it's a different technique, but now you have hidden/encapsulated the need to check for nulls, it's more performant since you don't need to catch exceptions, etc.

Is it a bit more complicated (internally)? Sure. But that's the price you pay in order to make code that's easier to use or has less of an entry barrier.

SOOO... which way is best?

Well, it depends! And that comes back to my comments with @hegi - just saying that one technique works best in all contexts across the board leads to issues when perhaps the context in question is something like a performance-sensitive, etc.

This is the same thinking people have when they say that "microservices is the best architecture and should always use it." That attitude and approach can (and has) destroy companies when used in the wrong context.

Thanks for your thoughts @alexander !