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Mark Kop
Mark Kop

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How to use React Server Components components on Storybook 8

Let's say you have a NextJS page that uses React Server Components (RSC) and you have to use the async keyword when exporting that page

// app/page.js
export default async function Home() {
  const { clients } = await getHomeContent()
  // ...code that displays clients cards on the home page
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If you try to import this component/page into Storybook 8, you will get this error:
async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components

To get around it, simply enable the experimentalRSC flag on .storybook/main.js

/** @type { import('@storybook/nextjs').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  features: {
    experimentalRSC: true,
  // ...other configs
export default config
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Read more about it here:

Top comments (2)

bakeerik profile image
BakerErik • Edited

One of the most impacted areas is component-driven development and testing. Tools like Storybook, Testing Library, and Playwright/Cypress Component Testing all assume that the user’s components are being rendered in the browser (or JSDom). But with math tuition online server components, that’s no longer the case.

heymarkkop profile image
Mark Kop

Good point, with RSC a lot of frameworks and tools of the frontend ecosystem will need to adapt