DEV Community

Discussion on: Install Solana on M1 Macs, without Rosetta 💡

hiddengearz profile image

This tutorial worked fine for me until I ran into an issue with compiling ring (ring-rs) which has a dependency of hidapi. I would get errors like:

  • Unsupported target os for hidapi-rs
  • fatal error: 'IOKit/hid/IOHIDManager.h' file not found
  • did not find header 'hid/IOHIDManager.h' in framework 'IOKit' (loaded from '/System/Library/Frameworks')

I have no idea how I fixed it but after dozens of tweaks, uninstalls/reinstalls and running anchor build and cargo build-bpf for the 100th time It eventually compiled and I noticed that the following commands were ran automatically during the compilation:

./bpf-tools/rust/bin/rustc --version
./bpf-tools/rust/bin/rustc --print sysroot
set +e
rustup toolchain uninstall bpf
info: uninstalling toolchain 'bpf'
info: toolchain 'bpf' uninstalled
set -e
rustup toolchain link bpf bpf-tools/rust
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(I assume the bpf-tools directory is solana/bin/sdk/bpf/dependencies/bpf-tools/rust)

Wish I could provide more details but I have no idea what I did to trigger the above behaviour. Hopefully someone who ends up in the same boat finds this comment and it saves them some time.