DEV Community

Discussion on: My preferred merge strategy for Pull Requests

hillshum profile image
Hilton Shumway

Github does allow restoring deleted branches after squashing the PR, so when a PR is found to be faulty the branch can then be bisected. Slightly less efficient maybe, but I've only needed to do it rarely.

alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

Ah, good to know that that exists. Since you mention not needing to resort to that very often, is that because the applications you work with have a fairly low bug count, or that the PRs are long-lived enough, or that the code flows (and as such, developer intent) always sufficiently clear? I just ask because I shiver at the thought of all the extra time that I would have spent fixing bugs without the context of a detailed commit history.

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hillshum profile image
Hilton Shumway

That's a good question. I think part of it is low regression bug count. Also the code is usually clear enough that tracking down the code is pretty easy.

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alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

That would indeed make a big difference. The code that I'm used to working with tends to have complex flows (not in a spaghetti way, it just needs to do a lot), with fairly large amount of business-related decisions (i.e. 'what' and 'how' are insufficient, you need 'why' as well).