what i will tell you in this post is all what a beginner developer have to know about html.
Basics :
- history of web,
- client server architecture,
- static vs dynamic website,
- frontend vs backend,
- what happens when you visit a wWebsite(how we get a html page).
- html tags,
- semantic and non-semantic tags,
- inline and block elements,
- html tags vs html element
- self closing and pairs tags,
- html entities,
- html attributes.
Most Commonly Used Tags:
<html> <head> <title> <meta> <link> <style> <script>
<body> <div> <p> <h1> <a> <img> <ul> <ol> <li> <form> <input>
<button> <label> <select> <textarea> <table> <tr> <th> <td>
<strong> <em> <span> <br> <hr> <iframe> <nav> <header> <main>
<section> <article> <footer>
*non-semantic: *
<div> <span> <b> <i> <u> <font> <center> <strike> <s> <small> <big> <tt> <pre> <code> <var> <kbd> <samp> <mark> <sub> <sup>
Thank you
Stay tuned, I will explain these all topic one-by-one in my upcoming posts.
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