DEV Community

Discussion on: Why you should stop declaring variables inside a for loop (especially in JavaScript)

hookumsnivy profile image

Please don't do this and take this article down. As others have mentioned, the experiment is flawed.
Don't prematurely optimize. It can lead to a number of problems:

  1. It becomes harder to read and understand
  2. It can lead to future errors
  3. Go after the big fish first. Find the performance bottlenecks first and fix those before worrying about the tiny things.

Don't complicate your code unless absolutely necessary. Follow the KISS principal.

I recently found myself reviewing code from a senior software engineer that was filled with premature optimizations. It was very hard to read and created an abundance of code for what purpose? Just to save a negligible amount of time - we're talking far less than a millisecond. Orders of magnitude less than your standard network delay.

Don't be that engineer.

Don't encourage others to be that engineer.