DEV Community

Discussion on: What developer products/tools should exist, but don't?

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Al Chou

I experimented with ANTLR to insert the missing end statements when parsing Python and outputting Ruby equivalent. I guess what you would want is to be able to easily plug a parser for one language into a central engine that would have an output plugin for the target language -- the central engine storing the AST or something like that. It wouldn't necessarily be possible for all pairs of languages, but you did say "syntactic", so I think I can omit imperative-to-functional language translation. And then the next step is to make the plugins more granular, so that you wouldn't have to say "input is PHP, output is Bash" but "translate arrow attribute access operator to native accessor syntax of target language-feature-set".

Lisps with reader macro capability allow you to define your own syntax additions, but that is an advanced skill, and the syntax probably can't stray too far from the original -- you're never going to get rid of those Insignificant Silly Parentheses with just reader macros.