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Discussion on: Create an online C.V with NextJs + AWS Amplify + Tailwind CSS

hrqmonteiro profile image
Henrique Monteiro • Edited

I am trying to do this for, like, four hours now.

And it ALWAYS give me the same error:

Unhandled Runtime Error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'items' of undefined
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
pages/index.js (20:57) @ _callee$

  18 |   });
  19 |   setIsLoading(false);
> 20 |   setListMainDetails([0]);
     |                                                       ^
  21 | }
  22 | if(isLoading || !mainDetails) {
  23 |   return <p>..Loading</p>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


I tried building it from scratch and i got this error. I tried cloning your repo and just authenticating with Amplify and i got this same error.
Something is wrong on your code and explanation.