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Discussion on: Spread Syntax "Three-dots" Tricks You Can Use Now

hsimah profile image
hsimah • Edited

Also similar to spread is the rest operator - you can team it up destructuring to get properties out of objects:

const obj = {
  prop1: 1,
  prop2: 2,
  prop3: 3
const {prop1, ...restObj} = obj;

This is great for React props which need to be passed to child components.

And then to shallow copy an object:

const newObj = {
  prop1: 2

Also great in React for setting state or in a Redux reducer.

girlie_mac profile image
Tomomi Imura 🐱

Yes, I've found it super useful too! Especially when I am trying to grab data from some API that returns a request with a JSON. Destructuring comes really handy to assign the data to variables and I love that!