DEV Community

Discussion on: When did you start programming? Do you wish you started earlier?

hussein_cheayto profile image
hussein cheayto

I like this question!!

I've started programming 3 years ago (I was 22 years old). I wish I started once I was bornπŸ™„.

I've discovered something called "coding" during my first year at Uni (2013), and it was really awful. I hated that class.

3 years later, I've started to enjoy coding because I was working on my own projects. I was passionate and motivated enough to learn more and more.

Now, I'm a telecom engineer at Ericsson (full time job). In my free time, I code, EVERY DAY. I've created and publish my own game and 2 websites.

Yes, I hate that I didn't know about coding till I was 19, enjoy it at the age of 22.

Time doesn't go back, that's why, I'm teaching all my relatives about coding and how exciting it is.

Telling their parents to teach them to code as early as possible.