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Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

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Flutter App Multiple Audio/Video Playback Issue

Problem Description:

When playing background audio, normal audio, and video simultaneously in a Flutter app, you encounter several issues:

  • Audio Interruptions: The music stops when the app loses focus or the user switches to another app.
  • Video Display Problems: Sometimes the video doesn’t play or doesn’t show up at all.
  • Error Messages: During the debugging process, an error message is displayed.
dispatching onAudioFocusChange(-1) to$Singleton$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@3d63109
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To resolve this issue, it is recommended to utilize the videoPlayerOptions parameter with the mixWithOthers property set to true when initializing the VideoPlayerController. This option allows the video to continue playing while other audio sources are also playing simultaneously.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Import the required dependencies in your Flutter application:
import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart';
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  1. Initialize the VideoPlayerController with the videoPlayerOptions property set to VideoPlayerOptions(mixWithOthers: true).
VideoPlayerController _controller ='YOUR_VIDEO_URL',
  videoPlayerOptions: VideoPlayerOptions(mixWithOthers: true))
    ..initialize().then((_) {
      // Once the video has been initialized, play it.;

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  1. Ensure that the mixWithOthers property is set to true to allow simultaneous playback of video and other audio sources.

Additional Notes:

  • By setting mixWithOthers to true, you can avoid conflicts between different audio sources and ensure smooth playback of both video and background audio in your Flutter application.
  • It's advisable to test the changes thoroughly to ensure that all audio and video sources play correctly without any interruptions.

By following these steps and implementing the suggested solution, you should be able to overcome the audio/video playback issue in your Flutter application and enhance the overall user experience.

Top comments (2)

destination_tracker_aee36 profile image
Destination Tracker

I am facing an exception do you think it will solve this one??
By the way this exception occurs after more than 15 video gets added in the file from where i am fetching videos
/flutter ( 8640): initialization error :PlatformException(VideoError, Video player had error MediaCodecVideoRenderer error, index=0, format=Format(1, null, null, video/avc, avc1.4D4016, -1, null, [400, 720, 17.999214], [-1, -1]), format_supported=YES, null, null)

bibin_babyavira_22761fa8 profile image
Bibin Baby Avira

thank you so much bro