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Ido Shamun
Ido Shamun

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Using OneSignal in a Vue CLI 3 Application

If you are working on a web application most chances are you would like to add web push to engage with your users.

OneSignal makes it easy to manage, customize and implement web push and the free plan might have cover your needs for a long time. This is why we chose OneSignal for our internal system for the content management of Daily.

The only problem remains is the conflict between the existing service worker of the PWA module of Vue CLI and OneSignal’s service worker for web push. I must admit that OneSignal is not very flexible in terms of managing their service worker and it took a while to solve this conflict.

At first, I just tried to add a simple importScript('/service-worker.js') command to OneSignal’s service worker to import Vue’s service worker. It did work but the only problem was that it did not update service-worker.js file ever, leaving old files in cache and never showing the up-to-date version of the app. 😓

After a while and digging into Nuxt solution for the same problem, I came up with a solution. 😌

Hang tight and follow carefully:

Comment out the following line from main.js , as OneSignal automatically registers the service worker:

import './registerServiceWorker';

Make sure to initialize OneSignal, in the same file, main.js :

window.OneSignal = window.OneSignal || [];
window.OneSignal.push(() => {
    appId: process.env.VUE\_APP\_ONESIGNAL,
    allowLocalhostAsSecureOrigin: process.env.NODE\_ENV !== 'production',

Remember to set VUE_APP_ONESIGNAL to your OneSignal’s application ID in the relevant .env file.

Add GCM sender properties to your manifest.json file:

"gcm\_sender\_id": "482941778795",
"gcm\_sender\_id\_comment": "Do not change the GCM Sender ID"

Now we have to set workbox to ignore OneSignal’s files and not to cache them, add the following to your vue.config.js :

module.exports = {
  pwa: {
    workboxOptions: {
      exclude: [/OneSignal.\*\.js$/],

Obviously, we also have to import OneSignal SDK, they suggest to fetch it from their CDN so we can simply add the following line to our index.html :

<script src="" async></script>

Now for the important part, we will not use the hard-coded OneSignal service workers but we will generate them at build time, we have to make to sure that for each deployment the content of these service workers will change and will force to check for updates. We can use the build date time as a parameter which changes on every build. The following code generates two service workers file which are actually the same as OneSignal requires:

const path = require('path');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');

// Provide OneSignalSDKWorker.js and OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js
const makeSW = (name, scripts) => {
  const workerScript = => `importScripts('${i}');`).join('\r\n');
  writeFileSync(path.resolve(\_\_dirname, '../dist', name), workerScript, 'utf-8');

const importScripts = [
makeSW('OneSignalSDKWorker.js', importScripts);
makeSW('OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js', importScripts);

Lastly, we have to execute this command on every build so let’s add it to our build script in package.json :

"build": "vue-cli-service build && node build/onesignal.js",

Now both workbox and OneSignal can live happily ever after and you can engage your audience with awesome web push.

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