DEV Community

Discussion on: Example: Imperative vs. Functional

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Kevin Wu

In non functional languages like JS here, FP is for sure slower.

Whether that's important in your space is up to you. I've found that thinking about performance first over code quality has resulted in less performant code for other reasons.

And you can achieve asymptotically equally performant code using libraries or languages built for this style of programming. Given that functional programming isn't really taught, however, that's not the norm.

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When talking about complexity we always mean asymptotic complexity.
Since the algorithms are essentially the same, time complexity is the same.

Instead, if you want to talk about performance, then yes, there is a difference.
However, developers should write code for other developers, not for the machine.
If it is easier to read, understand, and extend, it is worth the slight performance overhead.
And anyway, in most cases there is a ton of underlying framework code impacting performance already, so things like using a map instead of a for loop will not matter.