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Discussion on: Why I recommend Harvard's CS50x online course to every self-taught developer

imtanvirhasan profile image
Md Tanvir Hasan

Hi Risa,
Thanks for your detailed write-up. I am thinking about starting this course. But For a non CS background like me, how is this effective and I mainly focus on learning python. Do you think it will be great for me? Also is there any suggestion for me to learn python more effective way?

risafj profile image
Risa Fujii

Glad you enjoyed the post!

But For a non CS background like me, how is this effective

As I wrote in the article, I think CS50x is especially helpful to people with no CS background and little exposure to CS concepts. That being said, I suggest looking at this year's course content and seeing for yourself if it interests you:

Also is there any suggestion for me to learn python more effective way?

I don't write Python professionally so I have no idea. I'm sure that if you go to the #python tag on, there are articles that talk about learning resources for Python.

imtanvirhasan profile image
Md Tanvir Hasan

Thanks, Risa! Really appreciate your help.