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A .NET Manager's Perspective on F#

Matt Eland on December 15, 2019

For me, 2019 was a year of learning as much as I could about software quality – to the extent that I launched a blog to share many of my findings. ...
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Brian Berns

Glad to see this. I’m an F# developer in a typical C# engineering group. The two languages get along fine because they’re both .NET. The functional paradigm scales up to real world solutions with few, if any, problems. I prefer functional programming to OOP at this point. It’s conceptually simpler once you’re past the initial learning curve.

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Nick Holmes • Edited

I put my first F# code into production in the summer of 2009, and have completed a number of projects with it since, although in total I have done more C# work in that period. If I was free to choose without regard to any real-world constraints, I'd just switch over to F# (to the greatest extent possible).

Unfortunately, it doesn't (yet?) have critical mass, and this causes real-world limits on its adoption. Too many developers have got invested in the belief that OOP is the ultimate approach, and are simply not interested learning a whole new paradigm. The few that are interested quickly realize that its not likely to be a skill many employers are looking for.

I'll keep on evangelizing F#, and I'll keep using when I get the chance, but after ten years of campaigning for broader adoption, I'm don't hold much hope it will break of out its current niche.

And I'd switch jobs in a heart-beat to work with an organisation that was really embracing F#, but they are indeed few and far between.

jakoboffersen profile image

Really nice article, thanks for sharing your insights. F# was my first introduction to the functional paradigm at my university, and Im grateful for being introduced to it that early in my studies while I still really hadn’t developed the usual preference for OO.

I do believe that the functional paradigm is on the rise given that more students are introduced to it as part of their degree - at least here here at danish universities. Im also about to take an intermediate F# unit at uni to dig a step deeper.

What do you think is the main hindering of larger adaption of F# (or functional in general)? Is it mostly because of the limited talent pool?


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Brian Berns • Edited

What do you think is the main hindering of larger adaption of F# (or functional in general)?

I think that F# (and FP in general) is simpler than C# (and OOP in general), but not easier. This has several implications:

  • For small problems, it's easier for the typical developer to get stuff done using OOP/procedural logic (e.g. for loops instead of Seq.fold), at the cost of a slightly higher bug rate.
  • For large problems, the complexity of OOP bogs things down because it becomes difficult to reason about behavior (e.g. mutable variables), while FP scales up more linearly (e.g. no side-effects).

This means that an FP developer will sometimes seem stuck on an isolated problem longer, because solving it with correct types and without side-effects can be like a puzzle. However, once the solution actually compiles and runs, it's likely to be superior to whatever an OOP programmer might slap together quicly.

So, eventually, I expect FP to be picked up by more disciplined teams creating large systems, while smaller projects will continue to be implemented in C#, Python, etc., where the benefits of FP don't matter as much.

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a1300 • Edited

Matt, what is your preferred Data Access Library when working with F#? What is the most elegant way (in your opinion) to interact with a RDBMS?