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Angular: Prevent navigation if user performs changes


In our regular feedback sessions an issue that frequently came up was that out users start introducing data in a form and then press a wrong button and the application navigates to another page. When they come back the form is empty and all of their work is gone.

The application works just fine from a technical point of view, but the user experience suffers.

What can we do?

If the user made any changes to the page and wants to perform a navigation he will get an alert message. If he agrees, the the navigation is done and data is destroyed. If he doesn't, then he will have a chance to save the data and then continue his work.

Angular technical solution


1. First of all we define an interface named ComponentCanDeactivate

export interface ComponentCanDeactivate {
  canDeactivate(): boolean;

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2. And then we implement the interface

export class MyComponent implements ComponentCanDeactivate {


  canDeactivate(): boolean {
    return !shouldComponentDeactivate;


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3. Create an Angular guard

Use Angular canDeactivateGuard. Where MessageService generates a message based on your needs and context.

I used here the javascript confirm api, but you can use any kind of component/service.

export const formCanDeactivateGuard: CanDeactivateFn<ComponentCanDeactivate> = (
) => {
  const deactivateMessage = inject(MessageService).getDeactivateMessage;

  if (!component.canDeactivate()) {
    return confirm(deactivateMessage);
  return true;

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4. Use the guard in router configuration

    path: 'detail/:uuid',
    component: MyComponent,
    canDeactivate: [formCanDeactivateGuard],
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If your guard activates before the application is completely loaded, transform the interface into an abstract class and then add the following method in the class.

  @HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
  unloadNotification($event: any) {
    if (!this.canDeactivate()) {
      $event.returnValue = false;
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Also you can create a default behaviour, by creating a class that implements this interface and extending that class when you need it.


export class MyDefaultComponent implements ComponentCanDeactivate {
  abstract get form(): AbstractControl;

  canDeactivate(): boolean {
    return !this.form.dirty;
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We can use guards to prevent a user from performing a navigation when he has unsaved data.

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