> **Create a function that takes in an array of numbers. Return a new array containing every even number from the original array (do not use map or filter)**
function onlyEvens(nums){
let evens=[]
nums.forEach( n => {
if(n % 2 === 0){
return evens
//If is divided by 2 and is = 0 we know is even.
//Wherever we see nums is an array with 6 elements in it.
//We setup an empty array called evens.
//Then we loop through our array.Each times it runs(.forEach loop will run 6 times because are 6 elements in the array)
//When n=1, 1%2? NO
n=2, 2%2? YES Since is a true statement,we do the next line evens.push(n) . What will do,will push the (n) that now is 2,and push it into that empty array called evens.
//Same goes for 4 and 6.
//Will return the even [2,4,6]
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