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Discussion on: Git commit message convention that you can follow!

ishanmakadia profile image
Ishan Makadia

I think you shouldn't use refactor

As you are creating new Car Class from scratch. I believe that it will add some feature to your application.
As a result you can use "feat:"
If you feel that "feat:" is not the exact match then you can decide your own <type> and start using it.

For Example:
EsLint have decided there own <type> for commit message. So it's totally upto you or organization you work for.

Refer ESLint:
You can see below <type> which are used by ESLint at

Fix - for a bug fix.
Update - either for a backwards-compatible enhancement or for a rule change that adds reported problems.
New - implemented a new feature.
Breaking - for a backwards-incompatible enhancement or feature.
Docs - changes to documentation only.
Build - changes to build process only.
Upgrade - for a dependency upgrade.
Chore - for refactoring, adding tests, etc. (anything that isn't user-facing).
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kmhmubin profile image
K M H Mubin

Thank you for your insightful information. I really appreciate it. 😊