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Discussion on: College is still better for coding

ishanpro profile image
Ishan Tiwari

I am currently 14 and I have never saw college and I am a django and react developer. Being at a good college gives you all the resource that you can have for coding, which is bad and would lead to a destruction.

If you'll never face bugs in coding and your professor does solve those bugs for you you'll never be able to think and solve those bugs yourself and will fail.

I believe that self taught programmers are better because they have a thirst for knowledge and people who just study their course in college are way back.

martinrojas profile image
martin rojas

congratulations on having taken the initiative and being a developer at such a young age. However If college is an option for you it is still something that will open up many doors in the future as well change the perspective of how you see and approach your work and life.

I would encourage you to do a little research on the The Dunning–Kruger effect. While you may know a lot about programing there are a lot of other skills that are key to a great career that college is great a teaching you. So if its an option that won't put you in decades of debt then it is in my opinion the best option.

ishanpro profile image
Ishan Tiwari

Yeah, you are right but if you see the cost of things and compare. There are things out there for free on the web whereas taking a college will cost much more money than that. Having said that I am a 14 year old developer means that I have not spend a single penny on online courses.

I am not against going college but if you compare things in college which are like very pricy and see the free stuff on web and the content for free is ever increasing then spending your dad's income on something which you can I obtain for like free is stupidity.

Going to college makes sense because you know what to study but if you can get a decent job without spending money and time then why not?