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Discussion on: Let's build an actual working Guitar🎸 with JavaScript 💻🤘

isitar profile image
Isitar (Pascal Lüscher) • Edited

I guess touchmove is the only option you got here. Since you already have x,y,width and height on your strings you can map the x and y of your touchmove event to the appropriate area. The simplest approach would be to select all areas and filter

const area = document.querySelectorAll('rect')
    .find(area => event.x >= area.x 
        && event.x <= area.x + area.width 
        && event.y >= area.y 
        && event.y <= area.y + area.height
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(maybe double check that y condition if y is not 0 on the top left ;), also maybe double check the borders and substitute <= with < or >= with > )

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thormeier profile image
Pascal Thormeier

This could also be used to replace all the click handlers on all the rects and improve performance a bit on slower devices, too! I'll definitely do that in the second version of this.