DEV Community

Discussion on: Average daily coding time of a developer

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

I use 6 "engineering hours" per day as a general estimate of how much work comes out of each person on an engineering team a day.

This is regardless of job title, meetings in a day, wfh status... It comes out in the wash, so I just call it 6 hours. The other 2 or 3 could be considered lunch, meetings, watching Youtube videos as a team about reactions to Tesla's Ludacrious Mode, etc.

It also assumes that things like talking over a problem with another dev or code reviews are coding, since it does pertain to implementing code.

iammichaelneal profile image
Michael Neal

Kayla, I generally find that 30 hours per week is about tops for output as well. I like your term engineering hours. That is a healthy description.