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Discussion on: Making an App for Fitbit OS: My Impressions

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

When I got my Versa, I was super let down by the apps available, especially since like you said, you can't see the app store unless you already have the Fitbit app.

But every time I think of a little thing that would be nice to have on my watch, especially coming from Android Wear, it isn't worth it :\ It's a pretty limited system compared to Android Wear 2 and not enough metrics to show if it's worth writing something for the Fitbit Community.

I still like the NFC, though. My Huawei didn't have that.

iansavchenko profile image
Ian Savchenko

Thanks for the comment, Kayla!

NFC and wireless payments are great!

Regarding metrics: I was asking Fitbit representative what is the approximate audience size of Fitbit Ionic and Versa, but didn't get a number, because "it's a secret". Not even a ballpark number, what can mean that it's not that big.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

That's probably why Jawbone fizzled out -- they didn't realize Fitbit had a solid market share and was gaining on them ;) Though I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't want their stock to tank if guesstimations were too high. It's currently been hanging around $5.30 a share and jumps like mad any time there's any news.