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Discussion on: Why's there so much hype around React.js?

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma • Edited

Because it does things differently and people love new things

If you don't get why guys are using React, see this example:

<p> {likes} People liked your pic</p>

So, you can see likes is the number of likes you got on your pic but and best part it's dynamic if one more person will like it, it will be updated you don't need to update it (like in Jquery).It will update automatically if you change its state.

So, It makes your web page dynamic while saving you from doing DOM manipulation.

If you are saying you can also update it manually then in real world apps there are tons of states and you have to update each of them manually.

you can take ReactForBeginners course to level up your react skills.

martyonthefly profile image
Sylvain Marty • Edited

Hi Saurabh,

DOM manipulation is a standard in new JS library and framework. Personnally, I wouldn't choose a library if it don't do that. Remember jQuery ? What a mess.

But there are some points that I look for when I'm searching a framework for my front-end stack :

  • how DOM manipulation are done
  • his total size (including plugins and others dependencies)
  • can I make directives, components ?
  • reusability and shareability (non-exhaustive list...)

It's interesting to see how AngularJS (1.x) and React dealed with DOM manipulation before the democratisation of the shadow DOM. When AngularJS works with dirty checking and a digest cycle for DOM manipulation, React introduces the virtual DOM. Both of these methods solved A LOT of problems but now, with the shadow DOM, these methods are completely outdated (see this stackoverflow thread for more info).

I would say that working with AngularJS and React is fine, really! I use AngularJS 1.6 at my work and it does the job and we didn't plan to change it yet. But if I need a new stack, I will choose a framework which implements more recent technologies like VueJS (which rocks btw).

Have a good day ! :)

Edit: misspelling and grammar...