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Discussion on: What do you wish to know about JavaScript when you were in university?

itsmenatalie profile image

Hmmm, do you think I should talk about the latest changes in JS version or talk about the most interesting changes that happened?

You can tell them about the local javascript communities, conferences, and meetups
This is really great point! Thank you! :D

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

I guess the interesting one's! It's fine if they don't know flatmap or even async await etc but maybe just go for things that they'll understand easily.

Like you can show them how difficult it was to do xmlHttpRequest but fetch just made things easier.
Same with prototyping vs es6 classes.
Also, people from my class have no idea what "asynchronous" is so you probably would have to start from explaining how javascript works different from python or other general languages and then if you have time left, you can talk about promises and then maybe give a short intro to async await.

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itsmenatalie profile image

Like you can show them how difficult it was to do xmlHttpRequest but fetch just made things easier.

That's really great thing to do :D Thank you :D

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saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Glad it helped! good luck with your talk :D !