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Justin Bermudez
Justin Bermudez

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Finding a Loop in a Singly Linked List in Python

Given the head of a Singly Linked List that contains a loop, which is the list's tail points to some node in the list instead of none.

Given a standard class of Linked List

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value = None
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When we look through the Linked List we should return where the loop returns us too. So after our tail node, we return what comes after that.

We look at 2 nodes at a time moving at different speeds. If the nodes ever equal each other, then that is where our loop is.

def findLoop(head):
    first =
    second =
    while first != second:
        first = first.second
        second =
    while first != second:
        first =
        second =
    return first
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