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Discussion on: ORM vs. SQL?

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Dave Jacoby • Edited

My shop is almost entirely Perl on the back end and of course Javascript on the front end.

It was mostly through me that we went from flat files to databases for much of our data usage, and the peak, right now, is a wrapper around Perl's DBI which allows me to call $db->do('INSERT INTO table ( foo, bar ) VALUES (?,?)',{placeholders => [1,2] }); for CREATE, with similar do() commands for delete and $db->arrayref('SELECT * FROM table', {controls=>{}}) to get an array of objects. This is good for me because here, I know I can write the LEFT JOIN on the SELECTs to get exactly what I want.

Perl has DBIx::Class, often called DBIC, that works more like an ORM, and when I use it as the Model in MVC context of the web framework Dancer, which ties in other things like Template Toolkit as a View, it works. Problem is, I have not been able to bring Dancer into production. Nor Mojolicious. I have decades worth of legacy code I would have to re-implement, with authentication being the first problem.

So, I am trying to use DBIC and Template Toolkit together in a CGI-based context, which gives me a much smaller number of things I must rethink before progress can be made, and I find I cannot just dump DBIC results into Template's templates, but must make another step in order to get it into a form I can make template understand.

Additionally, I find it difficult to take tables I created long before I heard of DBIC and make schemas for them that allow me to get the deep data I can easily get via SELECT * FROM foo f LEFT JOIN bar b on f.bar_id = There's a body of best practices for working with ORMs I just don't know, and implementing those changes now would break production code and production databases.

Because I dove into the deep end with SQL and had to sink or swim, I am very comfortable with it. There are gaps I occasionally find, and I'm still befuddled by normal forms and denormalization, but I can usually make it do what I want.

Recently a friend asked "So what if you didn't have to worry about SQL at all(?)"

My response was: "Realize that, for me right now, that's akin to saying 'What if you didn't have to worry about your 1988 Tele you murdered out, or your pedalboard?' What if I didn't have to worry about the tools I love and trust?"

(I'm a guitarist, for context.)