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Discussion on: What is the future of CSS?

jaeming profile image
jaeming • Edited

I haven't heard methodologies like BEM and SMACSS mentioned in years. I get the appeal of Tailwind as I like using utility classes in bootstrap. Having stuff like preset padding/margin values is good for consistency. Anyone that has experience with design tokens would probably appreciate Tailwind to a certain extent. But I don't like bloating my HTML with scores of combined classes personally. CSS-in-JS is a big movement that a lot of people are adapting. I'm interested to see in what ways it could impact the way people write and use css in any case.

fjones profile image

The quick rise and fall of BEM in particular is fascinating. I'm not sure what killed it. CSS-in-JS? Preprocessing so heavy it made no sense to structure things that way anymore? Frameworks that just broke through with no adherence to BEM? It's an odd one.