DEV Community

don't use git stash pop

Jaga santagostino on April 09, 2019

Why? A git stash is a very powerful concept, it’s like Harry Potter’s Room of Requirement for your code, you throw it in here and you ...
sally profile image

I never considered the possibility of the git stash filling up like a messy desktop or the attempted fix: 'new folder'. In that respect, I sort of prefer git stash pop, otherwise retrieval could retrieve and open a Pandora's Box of forgotten code snippets.

jaga profile image
Jaga santagostino

I'd rather git-spring-cleaning once in a while, finding something in the stashes is much easier than retrieve a stash dropped by mistake.

Better safe than sorry 😁

leob profile image

Great tip, super ...

felipe1982 profile image
Felipe Alvarez

My rule is never leave work with objects in stash.

shhac profile image
Paul Somers

Other than the auto stash, why stash over a WIP commit?

It is much easier to retrieve a missing commit than a missing stash