DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I chose Akita over NgRx

jahller profile image
Jan Heller

we are currently facing the same problem with ngrx. We have a quite complex angular app that grew over time and now has a ridiculous amount of boilerplate code for ngrx. my biggest fear is that new team members will have a really hard time understanding what is going on. and the biggest problem of all that boilerplate code is that you can't understand what are the vital parts, as the concept is not self-explanatory at all. akita looks like a good alternative.

thomascayne profile image
Thomas Cayne

Did you give Akita a try? How is that working for you?

jahller profile image
Jan Heller

Yes, we actually did. We switched one single page application completely and will start with the second soon.

So far it's working really well. We were able to reduce complexity and increase maintainability along the way.