DEV Community

Discussion on: Remote pair programming - What are YOUR best practices? 🧑‍💻👩🏽‍💻

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Jake Carpenter • Edited

Zoom is by far the best tool I’ve used, even if it’s slow. Still very hard to not let the host drive more often.

Cameras are a must. You lose a lot in communication when you’re not able to read facial expressions while you explain something. And seriously, AirPods are not a substitute for a microphone.

I had to learn to announce my intention to use the mouse/keyboard before doing so. This made it easier to highlight code rather than “pointing” to it verbally. Probably a good habit even for in-person pairing.

I tried the VS Code sharing tool probably 2 years ago and wasn’t very impressed. As nice as the idea is, pairing is more than just looking at the same IDE.