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Discussion on: Wordpress Sucks. Let's Switch to Static Site Generators!

jakesweb profile image
Jacob Colborn

The 2 that I have used so far are Jekyll and Gatsby. Jekyll is great to set up a blog and handle all of the content that would need to be uploaded for a blog. Gatsby was very customizable and everything runs in React, which I am familiar with. When I created my portfolio site for myself I used Gatsby. It was great to get up and running and easy to deploy with Netlify.

For my next move I am going to try to create some Nuxt sites (once I am done with the current hackathon). I chose to learn Vue during my time in the hackathon and want to expand on that with Nuxt.

paqman85 profile image
Glenn Paquette • Edited

Thanks Jacob!
Gatsby is definitely pretty popular. It's on the list! Jekyll as well. Nuxt seems to be quite popular as well! I remember your hackathon post, I hope that project is going well for you!

If your learning Vue and like it, have you considered Gridsome? I haven't heard much about it yet but I like that's it's based in Vue.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Gridsome (and Gatsby) is only alive because of plugins, IMO. Otherwise, writing codes for scratch is hard. And the availability of plugins depends on its popularity. That's why Gatsby is much better than Gridsome. Also, the documentation.

I myself currently try to learn Next.js, though. which encourages barebone-ness; unlike Nuxt where there are a lot of boilerplate to edit.

jakesweb profile image
Jacob Colborn

I'm going to read up on Gridsome now. This is the first I've been hearing about it, but it would be interesting to learn something new to compliment Vue. I've been really enjoying learning Vue so I hope to expand my knowledge of it overall.

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora • Edited

I'm with Jekyll on my first static site playground, because it's easily deployed on GitHub Pages. But the build and deploy time is going slower when articles going huge.

When my articles almost thousands, I moved my site to the current fastest static site generator, Hugo. It won't be wrong when choose Hugo for huge articles. Also, I try Eleventy for my new learn and backup too.

Next, Nuxt, Gatsby, Gridsome, etc, they are great because it's instant reload feature that feels like modern apps. But if the main focus is about creating so many content continually, just choose the fastest static site generator.

paqman85 profile image
Glenn Paquette

Thanks for the info! That's a great point to keep in mind. I've been playing with Hugo a bit, so far it's pretty nice!