DEV Community

Discussion on: How do I manage my time?

jamesdengel profile image
James dengel

So the first thing is to use your 2 hours on the commute in a productive way:
I tend to cycle so it hits my health button, but if you have time and a phone the following are possible:

  1. Podcasts for developers, use your preference.
  2. Audio books, audio books can be great for learning or new views on things.
  3. Call your friends or family to catch up.

Then we have lunch:

  1. Get out for a walk, or a jog maybe.
  2. I tend to go to the gym at lunch.

So now we have the working week days more productive and focused.
Health, jobs and some learning in.

You then have 5 evenings and 2 weekends days, combine health and the girlfriend in some way:
Dates include:

rock climbing.
Walking in nice places.
Gym, swim, cycle.

Same thing with friends, I tend to fall into bad habits of eating and watching TV with friends and family which is great to relax but if that is all i do it's not great.

I personally feel that health impacts so many other areas of life, if you feel full of energy then work can be a breeze, learning is more fun etc.

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury • Edited

Amazing suggestions