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Discussion on: The Insecure Developer

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James Loyd

I also want to say that this hit home for me. When I first started my current job, I was very green and very insecure that I could become a developer.

But, as I grew into it, the company kind of rallied around me and helped me find my groove and become more secure. I also developed a mentor-student relationship with a solid guy who had been just like me. He forced me to get better, so I did, I read books, I did coding challenge, katas, and I got better.

I could hit him up with questions, was X the best way to solve the problem? How do I know when to use X? All of them he answered and more. He told me, he could see me improving and I loved it. I am still green around the ears but thankfully I am growing and improving.

And in the end, that's what really matters. If you can take the critiques and try to get better, then a company can really make use of you, because they are getting a nice return on their investment.

I am not the best and I am a little still insecure about skills, I question myself sometimes and sometimes I was right with my gut. But, that'll come with time.

It takes a lot of hours to become an expert but when you keep striving for improvement then any progress is progress. The worse thing you can do is shut down and refuse to grow.

And, the whole point about katas and code challenges is not how fast you can solve them, but that you can find strategies and see patterns. Sometimes, you have to sit down and plan it out, and all of a sudden, you start to see them unfold. And let me tell you, that is when you really feel like you are a developer.