DEV Community

Discussion on: GraphQL - Why you should be using it in 2021.

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Can you point to any resource that go through setting things up all the way from backend to frontend? I was really interested in GraphQL a couple years ago, but all the resources I found just talked about how the FE sent queries to the BE. It always felt like how to setup the BE was glossed over/assumed (maybe it's simpler than I think, but my BE dev knowledge is limited).

A common use case I would think would be: How would one transition to using GraphQL with an existing BE already in place?

a03z profile image

you can check out this website:

jackbuchananconroy profile image
Jack Buchanan-Conroy

This is a really great resource :)

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Thank you! This is exactly what I need 🙌

blackr1234 profile image
blackr1234 • Edited

If you are using Java Spring Boot you could take a look at com.graphql-java-kickstart. It has GraphQL and GraphiQL libraries for Spring Boot Starter.