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Discussion on: What skills do career indie developers not learn (vs those employed mostly on teams)

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Jan Küster • Edited

I am just part time indie worker but I may ask: What about indie open source work? It's nothing where you actually generate income but you do it for DRY, learning, proving and generating a portfolio for future contracts, generating income.

In my open source work I focus a lot on code quality, documentation, review process etc. and this tends to influence my indie work a lot, so I already try to write maintainable code when getting a contract mostly because I don't want to fiddle with messy code when getting a follow up contract and things get complicated.

I think vision of yourself and how you want to work is important here: I want to be perceived as an engineer who delivers high quality (which is why I want to charge the according price).

One thing though regarding licenses: I care if the client cares, otherwise all-in