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Discussion on: Testing Rails 6 Zeitwerk Autoloading

janko profile image
Janko Marohnić

I ran into a similar problem, and I ended up enabling eager loading when tests are running on CI:

# config/environments/test.rb
Rails.application.configure do
  # ...
  config.eager_load = ENV["CI"] ? true : false
  # ...
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marcqualie profile image
Marc Qualie

Good shout! This is a great way for getting this behaviour without any CI changes at all.

The only downside to this is that it's hard to see what the actual issue is without going into the sea of red rspec logs. I prefer to have one CI job per specific thing that's being built/tested, but it's a bit more work to configure.

Configuring this in a chained workflow also means other jobs (like rspec, webpacker etc) can be prevented from even starting to execute, rather than each one being setup in parallel and all failing with the same error.