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Discussion on: 10 Tech Movies to Get You Coding Again

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Robert Van Housen • Edited

I really enjoyed this post, thanks for the ideas.
I'd like to add "Pirates of Silicon Valley" to the list. If you aren't familiar, it's a film about the birth of personal computing and the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

If you enjoy dystopian films you might also enjoy "Colossus: The Forbin Project", a film about 2 supercomputers put in control of the nuclear arsenal of Russia and the U.S.,. Both computers start cooperating and decide that human beings can't control their own fate because we're a danger to ourselves.

"Demon seed", is a film about an AI controlled smart home run amok that terrorizes it's female inhabitant. Rather gruesome and controversial, the Simpsons even made a Halloween special clip based on it.