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Discussion on: Components are Pure Overhead

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Javier Vélez Reyes

Good article Ryan. I agree with all of your performance reflections. But, IMHO the problem with components is not in those concerns but in how they are being understood & used by the community.

Web components, at least the standard ones, were devised as a reuse solution and not a modularization one as @brucou greatly argues. From an old-fashioned perspective of Web Experience where it is assumed that users need & want to work with closed applications in an 80s style running on browsers, it could be true that here Web components technologies have not a relevant role.

However, the world is rapidly changing, and frequently we as developers don't realize them. Whilst users nowadays demand new interaction models based on an omnichannel multi-device world where interaction experiences are based on oral dialogues or micro-gestures on tactile watches & screens, developers go on creating fenced solutions based on Web & Mobile technologies far from what users expect.

As developers, we should be concerned with providing new experiential models aligned with user demands. A dentist appointment should be first a mail attachment, then a calendar date, and then a notification in my preferred wearable. In that no-fences world, experience flows liquidly from one channel to another (mail, web, push notification) and from one device to the next. Experiences are immersive. A youtube video is a small player on my mobile while I'm coming back home traveling in the underground. Then when I arrive at home, the video becomes a full experience simply by means of a gesture pointing to my smart TV while I relax on my sofa taking a cup of tea.

In this new world, Web components are the basis for supporting omnichannel multidevice liquid experiences where the interaction model with user traverses over more than a single application. Now closed web experience and in particular, the application term is a forbidden word because users are not interested in this kind of metaphor.

From the B2C point of view, businesses use Web components as a means to create a corporative dialog with final users. Components are transactional access points to enable fresh business spreading strategies around the Web. There is not a single corporative Web where a corporation centralizes user dialogs. There are a lot of interactions on my Google results, my ads on the web, my voice assistant in the car, my watch notifications, etc. All of those realities are Web components.

From a B2B perspective, REST APIs are becoming declarative HTML-centric dialects allowing business experts to insert access points to other businesses on the Web. Cloud-based companies offer payment, commerce, or whatever solutions and I only need to insert HTML snippets for those companies to get easy & straightforward integration with them. Here Web components work collaboratively on foreign webs as DSL to create a declaratively organic experience based on composition including both own & external tag families.

The user demand is nowadays a reality. People don't write down the text to whatsapp. They dictate to the microphone. Components are the technology ready to be used in that direction to abandon silo-based experiences. Just the question is about when we, as developers, will realize that the world has changed.

ryansolid profile image
Ryan Carniato

I've definitely said for the longest time Framework UI Components aren't the same Web Components. Different goals etc. Interopt goals of Web Components are also different than the re-usability goals. I actually wrote a whole article on this that I haven't published as of yet.

Web components are a wonderful widget platform, but I'm not convinced anything beyond the most basic are great application building blocks. I was talking with Justin from Lit a few months back when we looking at the potential of using the Declarative Shadow DOM at eBay and the one thing that was clear at least from his perspective is that for Web Components to work across environments you will be relying on libraries/frameworks. There are always going to be gaps in the standards. We end up replacing one type of framework with another.

On one hand, I don't think these things need to be at odds with each other as the framework can live inside the component. On the other hand when you hear people like Rich Harris talk about Web Components (and I am generally in agreement), when compared to the power he has to optimize and orchestrate with Svelte especially around things like animations there are clear tradeoffs. Not everyone needs this sort of orchestration but SPAs exist for a reason.

There are places where this interopt is key and there are others where optimized single experience trumps. It's where they meet that is interesting I think.