DEV Community

Discussion on: Installing ZSH on Windows

jckodel profile image
J.C.Ködel • Edited

Working fine on Windows Terminal and VSCode, with some issues:

1) Flutter script only recognize MINGW, so you need to set an alias in your .zshrc: alias dart="/cygdrive/c/flutter/bin/dart.bat" and alias flutter="/cygdrive/c/flutter/bin/flutter.bat".

2) Git from cygwin doesn't work on flutter, so either don't install it or install git for windows and then delete (or rename) \cygwin\bin\git.exe

3) For Windows Terminal, open settings and change your prompt settings to "commandline": "zsh --login -i" (the default profile is {0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101})

4) For VSCode, configure your terminal to cygwin: "": "C:\\cygwin64\\Cygwin.bat",, then edit that batch file to set zsh as the default shell: cd /d "%~dp0bin" && zsh --login -i

And that's it... zsh working fine on both Windows Terminal and VSCode, without that trashy WSL.

zinox9 profile image
Arjun Porwal

That's Great ! Thanks for the extra tips.

deanzsh profile image
Deandra Lisel

how did you do it?