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Jakub T. Jankiewicz • Edited

Released 1.0 beta version of Gaiman programing language and added example dropdown so you can test some apps (e.g. guess the number game). The project aim is to simplify creating web-terminal based applications. Also I was battle-testing my language by creating first app for paid support to my jQuery Terminal and found that the compiler was broken and needed to publish beta.2 version.

GitHub logo jcubic / gaiman

Gaiman: Text based game engine and programming language

Gaiman Engine and Programming Language

Gaiman: Text based advanture games engine and programming language

npm Build and test Coverage Status LICENSE GPLv3

Gaiman: Storytelling Text Based Game Engine and Programming Language

Main part of Gaiman is a minimalist programming language and main purpose is to help create Text Adventure Games. But it can also be used to create any interactive CLI applications (Web Based Terminal applications) It support browser based CLI applications and in the future also native command line.


npm install -g gaiman@beta


gaiman -o directory

This will compile your source file and generate dir/index.html and dir/index.js files And you can open generated html file in browser and run the game.


See Reference Manual on Wiki.


This is Hello world Gaiman DSL example:

echo* "Hi, What is your name?", 50 # Typing animation with 50ms delay
let name = ask "name? "
echo "Hello $name, nice to meet you."
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

More advanced example:

def ask_details(msg)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode