DEV Community

Discussion on: Your developer timeline

jdhillen profile image
J.D. Hillen • Edited

The first 8 years I coded, I was still in High School and College. Like many other developers that were creative coders, I dove head first into the Flash world. While I learned a lot about programming from working in Flash and AS3, I wish I had that time back to focus on the languages I use on a regular basis today.

Time Learned
6 y HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS and JQuery
6 y Flash and ActionScript
1 y HTML, CSS / SCSS, Vanilla JS and JQuery
6 mo Rails
2 yrs PHP and Wordpress
1.5 yrs AngularJS & Angular 2
2 NodeJS, Angular, Express, GIT
6 mo Python


PS - Why are the tables so wonky in the comments?

nikodermus profile image
Nicolás M. Pardo

I'll need a star since I think that thanks to this post DEV notices how poorly the tables displayed but luckily our friend Ben Halpern (Search for his reply and learn from his path) got to fix it!