DEV Community

Discussion on: Three unusual qualities we look for to hire amazing developers

jennrmillerdev profile image
Jen Miller • Edited

By hiring happy people, we can ensure we maintain a happy culture.

I do get what you are trying to say here. I think though, you want to hire people that can enable a 'happy culture', but not necessary those that are happy. I've seen people who are not outwardly 'happy', but are very good leaders and motivate their teams well.

Hiring based on ultra subjective things like how happy are they are in their current state feels like many candidates will be left out. After all, many candidates are very unhappy they have to look for a job at all. Happiness doesn't equate to professionalism and ability.

By adding a happiness factor to your interview, it forces your candidates to create a fake happy or bubbly persona simply to pass yet another gatekeeper. Sure, you might be able to detect this, but it's unpleasant to both sides....

I've been on teams where people were initially happy and excited but the project just sucked and morale tanked. So happiness at the time of hiring doesn't mean much., but I do agree, a 'happy' culture is almost always more enjoyable to work in.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

dglsparsons profile image
Douglas Parsons • Edited

Hey, thanks for the response.

You're absolutely right hiring people who contribute to a happy culture, rather than people who are simply 'happy'.

The idea isnt to force people to be something they aren't, especially in interviews. I personally feel like interviews are more to get to know someone as a human, rather than a CV, and they also are an opportunity for a candidate to learn about the company. They aren't a place to grill candidates on imaginary scenarios and make them sweat, or to force them to be someone they arent.

The point I'm ultimately trying to make though, is that the impact individuals have on a collective culture is something that needs considering as part of hiring.

I hope that all makes sense.

Thanks for the interesting discussion 😊