DEV Community

Discussion on: What tools would you choose to create a personal portfolio site if starting from scratch?

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José Aponte

A simple Triforce (HTML/CSS/JS) single page website. No frameworks. You might wonder why. Well, let me tell you a story...

In the early days, we used a white paper to show our photo, info, portfolio, education, skills, references and any other relevant information. That is called Curriculum vitae! The famous CV was a simple printed document. Of course, you had to bring your skills certificates.

Now, I've seen a lot of programmers portfolio showing their skills. Some portfolio websites use frameworks, others only use the Triforce. My belief is that we need to build our portfolio in a simple way, but elegant. The site must be fast, lightweight and neat (like the printed document we used to show). We can achieve that using only the triforce. If we use frameworks, we might overload the website with unnecessary libraries. If the browser can load your website under 5 seconds, then you're good to go!

Oh, I forgot to mention VSCode! It's an essential tool for me. Happy Coding!